Happy Festival of Lights

Lights, lights and more of them around
Sweets, savouries and the cracker sound
Every happy heart greeting another one
With a smile on their face
Singing a happy song

Prayers and fun
Crackers even in the sun
Waiting for the night
When there will be all light

My wishes for you
Will always be true
Happy Diwali
To your family and You

May Happiness Prevail
And Blessings Galore
May all sorrows disappear
Begin it anew with this hope...

Wish each one of you a very happy, prosperous and a safe Diwali. Have fun!

5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    super diwali gift for me!! a dop gift!! :)

    wish u a very happy diwali too Artz :)

  2. Meow Says:

    Wish you a very Happy Diwali.. its a beautiful greeting da :) Love ya loads :)

  3. Best wishes for a happy Deepavali

  4. Yellow Tulip Says:

    thank u dear:)..wish u the same:)...have a safe dewali:)